Josh Wolff (Robbie Readers) (No Hands Allowed) by Marylou Morano Kjelle
Josh Wolff (Robbie Readers) (No Hands Allowed) by Marylou Morano Kjelle PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Josh Wolff was only five years old when he began running around and kicking a soccer ball. He didn't even know how to play the game. By the time he entered Parkview High School in Stone Mountain, Georgia, Josh was already making a name for himself in the world of soccer. With college came more soccer honors and a chance to play with the Chicago Fire. Now Josh is a three-team player, playing for the Kansas City Wizards, the U.S. Men's National Team, and the U.S. Olympic Team. Injured many times while playing the game, Josh has always bounced back a stronger and more focused player. His ability to rise above his injuries makes Josh a role model for all young sports players, no matter what the game. Josh's skill, strength, and ability to outsmart his opponents have given him the opportunity to play soccer all around the world.From reader reviews:
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