Friday, 23 October 2015

PDF⋙ Imperial Glass Encyclopedia, Vol. 2: Cape Cod- L

Imperial Glass Encyclopedia, Vol. 2: Cape Cod- L

Imperial Glass Encyclopedia, Vol. 2: Cape Cod- L

Imperial Glass Encyclopedia, Vol. 2: Cape Cod- L PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Major topics within this volume's alphabetical range include Cape Cod, Caramel Slag, Carnival glass (old and new), Cathay, free-hand, Ice, Lace Edge, and Lead Lustre. Hundreds of other subjects are covered in depth - patterns (Early American Hobnail and other Depression-era wares), colors (Golden Green), shapes (gas globes and shades), etchings (Garden Arbor), and limited editions (Christmas Plates) - to name just a few.

Well illustrated throughout, the 80 color pages feature both original photos and outstanding reprints from Imperial catalogs. A comprehensive index lists all subjects covered in both Volume I and II. Volume II has surprises for even the most knowledgeable collectors.

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